State of the Brick report published

James Sutton, managing director of RedBrick LLC, published yesterday the first State of the Brick report since the huge change at RedBrick took place. The very informative article answers  a lot of questions and provides an insight what is coming and happening with the various game lines like Dramascape, Fading Suns, Blue Planet, Demonworld and of course Earthdawn.

RB logo

Tableau Infractus #12 released

The Tableau Infractus Issue #12 contains:

  • Some Q & A from the readers
  • Skinoire: The Art of Magic on Flesh
  • A Lifetime Calling: An interview with James Sutton
  • Earthdawn Miniatures Gallery: Creatures of Earthdawn
  • Talent & Skill Cards: Four color Editable Cards for use with your games
  • Submission Guidelines & Style Guide or how to get published in Tableau Infractus


cover issue 12

I especially recommend to read this issue because of the interview with James Sutton. Great interview again. The editable Talent & Skill cards were made by Polish Earthdawn fan Kosmit, on the basis of Ajfel’s concept artwork. In my opinion one of the most useful fan creations for Earthdawn since a long time. Great stuff!!

Earthdawn Rule Clarifications

Discussions about the rules of any RPG take mostly place at inconvenient times. Also finding answers to your questions on the RedBrick forum is sometimes hard to accomplish, even if Arma is the quickest mastermind clarifying them. Arma posted some time ago two rule clarifications about the Legend points award system and about Actions, a must read to understand how to handle these two topics as a gamemaster and as a player.

But the following work of Drucifer, author of the Tableau Infractus issues, covers various topics and provides an overview of old forum questions, posted on the RedBrick forum during December 2011 and February 2012. He categorized the questions and answers on subjects as i.e. “Combat”, “Mechanics” and “Spellcasting”. Dru put it altogether in a PDF, adding links to the forum threads for further questions and discussion.

forum Q&A

German Earthdawn news

Any german visitors?

Since a long time the German fan community receives a new book! Of course not official, it is an unofficial fanmade supplement called “Barsaive’s Bestiarium” and is put together by Nico Pendzialek. The 178 pages strong book can be used with ED 1st and ED 2nd edition. Click the pic!

The german description says:

Barsaive’s Bestiarium ist ein inoffizieller Ergänzungsband zum Rollenspiel Earthdawn, von Fans für Fans. Es bietet eine umfangreiche Sammlung an neuen Kreaturen, Reittieren, Untoten und Dämonen aus Barsaive.

Barsaive Bestiarium


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