Earthdawn merchandise

Red Brick is the only company to sell some Earthdawn-ware. They opened up three different kind of stores. First they use Spreadshirt to sell their fan products. But as you will see on the website, its just for users from the US. Which means shipping to europe would be very expensive, but those clever guys from Red Brick opened up another store especially for european fans, which means that the prices are in euro and shipping is faster and cheaper (of course). At the US site you find a link to the european store.

So what's available? The two stores differ from each other in some little details. For example in the colour of the t-shirts or the US store doesn't provide caps. The two stores offer in general clothing (like t-shirts, longsleeves), mugs (which the US store doesn't), mousepads (which the european store doesn't offer) and several goodies like stickers, bags and buttons.

"Third" shop is from cafepress. It provides another assortment, but only for US. With your dollars you can acquire a lot of buttons (also magnetic ones), this trucker hat you see on the left and a lot of sweaters in different colours. Special gimmicks for your girl and your kid are unique and can only be found there.
I don't want to mention every article you can buy in those shops. So use your mouse to have a look by your own at those remarkable shops:
US shop spreadshirt
European shop spreadshirt
US shop cafepress

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