German Earthdawn news again!!
Remember the last German Earthdawn news? Now it is again Nico Pendzialek , who made a collection called “Verborgene Talente” (“Hidden Talents”). The free PDF is a collection of talent knacks for various disciplines. So everyone of you who wants to train his German head over to Nico’s page.
“Verborgene Talente“ ist ein inoffizieller Ergänzungsband zum Rollenspielsystem Earthdawn, von Fans für Fans. Der Band beinhaltet eine umfangreiche Sammlung aus über hundert neuen Talentkniffen aller ursprünglichen Disziplinen und stellt eine neue Klasse von magischen Begleitern vor.
I'll most likely try to write the next Expansion in English, so i get out of the german corner and reach more Earthdawn Fans. Till now i have no idea, what the content of the new book will be, and when there is time to write it down. But hopefully with FASA back on the rights, there will show up some new official stuff soon.
Greets Nico