Earthdawn Dice Pt. 2
Two days ago I received this:
The small D6 is a gimmick of Q-workshop. One dice set costs as I previously mentioned 14,90€ (excluding shipping costs of 3,90€). For all of you that are still thinking about to order the dice,
Now a word about the dice. They are very nice and always roll high score! :-)
UPDATE: I just received a statement from Q-Workshop and it clarifies the whole situation with the Ebay auction.
"Q-workshop would like to state, that the mentioned auction was a part of a promotion with lower prices on these new products and available only for a short period of time - and were by no means in any way meant to "trick" any one, especially our clients.
Another auctions like this you can find on with Earthdawn dice for only 9.99$ (three more left) and 14.99$ (10 hours more so be quick!)."
Well, keep that "bonus" d6 handy, they have an amazing reroll rate... Last game - ~32 on a step 8 initiative roll. And at least one '6' on each of those d6's per roll.
What the hell? I just gave it to one of my players. God damn it, I got to get it back. Thx for the advice.
Q-workshop would like to state, that the mentioned auction was a part of a promotion with lower prices on these new products and available only for a short period of time - and were by no means in any way meant to "trick" any one, especially our clients.
Another auctions like this You can find on with Earthdawn dice for only 9.99$ (three more left) and 14.99$ (10 hours more so be quick!).
Best regards,
Maciej DomagaĆa
Brand Manager
Q-workshop Team