Sunday, February 16, 2014
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Earthdawn World Wide
Fan Stuff
To all my German readers:
Hier mal wieder einer der wenigen (1/2) deutschsprachigen Einträge auf dem Earthdawn Blog. Es geht um den kurzen Hinweis auf die DORPCast Episode 22: Earthdawn forever, in der Michael und Thomas sich anlässlich des 15 jährigen Jubiläums der DORP mit dem Rollenspiel Earthdawn und den aktuellen Entwicklungen beschäftigen.
Dazu heißt es auf
Die DORP wird heute am Tage 15 Jahre alt – und kaum ein Rollenspiel dabei so eng mit der Geschichte und Entstehung unserer Webseite verbunden wie Earthdawn. Anlass genug für Michael und Thomas einmal knietief durch die Nostalgie zu waten und sich an der Vorstellung eines ihrer beiden liebsten Systeme zu versuchen.
Schaut euch einfach mal auf der Seite zur Podcast Episode um, wo auch eine Themenübersicht und die im Podcast angesprochene Medienlinks zu finden sind.
Zitat: “Earthdawn war für uns alles, was DSA nicht war”
Sunday, February 16, 2014
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Fan Stuff
Nico and his brother Claus present you their translation of the original german book “Verborgene Talente” they created in september 2012. The new book is called Hidden Talents.
“Hidden Talents“ is an unofficial supplement for the Earthdawn roleplaying system, from fans for fans. This volume contains a substantial collection of more than one hundred new talent knacks across all original disciplines. As a bonus feature, a new class of magical companion will be revealed!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
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1 Comment
As I just saw at the Earthdawn Kickstarter page, the project funded more than $80.000.
This means that:
The Elven Nations book will be added to the reward offers and as an add-on, in both PDF and print options.
Sunday, February 09, 2014
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Fan Stuff
The Earthdawn Kickstarter campaign has raised more than 700% of it’s original goal at the time of writing this article! The finish line is ahead and if you’re still hesitating to make your pledge, I can tell you that there are only 3 days left to support one of the best high fantasy RPG’s that are out there.
FASA and the developers have introduced a lot of stuff during the recent weeks since the Kickstarter project started. So I want to provide a short link overview of what information, interviews and previews concerning the Kickstarter project have been released so far. Just for the case you’re still hesitating cause of the lack of information……
Unlocked stretch goals:
- Travar: City of Merchants sourcebook unlocked
- Free GM Screen for pledges of physical books (softcover or hardcover!)
- ED4 Companion
Released previews:
I guess these links sum it up pretty good about what information was spread during the last weeks. But I still want to add some additional information that could be interesting to you. I cite it here from various sources, be it comments of the Kickstarter campaign, G+ or forum posts.
We'll release the PDFs as soon as the layout has been through blueline, a month or so ahead of the physical books. Josh Harrison says the Players and GM's Guides are currently scheduled for release in August, Travar for October, and the Companion for December, with the usual disclaimers about risk and acts of the Passions and so forth.
The FASA Games web store has been updated with all the KS pledge levels. If you'd rather work by Paypal than credit card, you can now get all of the merch from the KS, and we'll count the sales in the web store KS category toward the KS pledge total for stretch goal unlock
All backers who pledged for softcover or hardcover editions of the books will receive a free GM screen. We'll put all the tables and charts you need on one side, and full color art on the other, on a fold-out cardstock screen. This includes a 16-page booklet of pregenerated gamemaster characters and other useful material. We will add the GM screen to our online shop and product line once the KS reward copies have shipped. Yes, we're adding a PDF version of this to the PDF Everything Bundle.
Of course the overview makes no claim of being complete. But I hope some of the info is helpful to make your decision to select a pledge and support the project.
Finally I can only recommend to have a look at the Earthdawn FASA Games Forum to read about the latest discussions and debates.
Monday, February 03, 2014
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Fan Stuff
Link advice
Nico, who also created the Poor Attack Test Tables and Barsaive’s Bestiarium, recently released his latest fanzine called Mystic Bonds.